The Team Wendy H-Style Chinstrap features a more traditional padded H-Style nape lined with antimicrobial, anti-chafing fabric. Both the Team Wendy X- and H-Style Chinstraps are constructed using 5/8-inch webbing with anti-chafe, antimicrobial fabric on the nape pad, chin cup and strap sleeves. The chin cup and the nape pad are made of the same Zorbium® foam that make Team Wendy helmet pads the leader in impact resistance. Attachment points are nylon reinforced and compatible with most current 4-point ground combat and tactical helmets. Both systems come with a standard and a padded chin cup, which are reversible for left- or right-hand configuration. The chinstraps come in two sizes – Small/Medium and Large/X-Large – and two colors – Black and Foliage Green. All Team Wendy chinstraps meet all ACH, LWH and ECH retention test performance requirements.